Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Storm of the century

So, rumor has it....Southern, New Jersey has not received this much snow in a century!! It does not seem like a lot, based on the snow we are use to getting in NY.....but I have to say....when it snows in NJ it is nothing like NY......for starters....we have no plows...and when we finally get the plows from the north....they don't know how to plow.....we had to get the guy around the corner to bulldoze us out twice....because the plow just kept plowing all the snow from our road into our driveway....extremely frustrating!!!

On a brighter note....Julianna loved the snow!!!!! All she wanted to do was ride on the sled that was attached to the dog. Enjoy the pics of the snow and Miss Julianna in the snow!!

Friday, February 19, 2010


Annabella is now 7 1/2 months....and ready to get up and run! Thats right, she has started pulling herself up on furniture to stand. She gets herself up on all fours, and tried to push herself up to stand in the middle of the room!!!! It wont be long now, until she is chasing Julianna around the house. The last 7 months we have celebrated many firsts for Annabella....her first Halloween, Christmas, New Years.... Since, I have been slacking on my blogging duties....here are some pictures of some of Annabella's firsts!

First Halloween!

First Christmas!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Gymnastics....1 year later!

Miss Julianna graduated once again from gymnastics! She has grown so much, and is doing such a great job. She absolutly loves it!!! Here are some pictures, from her latest graduation.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Holy Moly....my last post was in July!!

Now that I have given up facebook for lent...the request has been made and heard loud and clear...."we cannot go a whole month without seeing pictures of your girls"....so I will do the best I can to keep everyone updated!!!

This is one of my favorite pictures....Daddy reading to his girls!!